
How does the Kentucky Point system work in Kentucky?

Kentucky follows the point system when it comes to traffic offenses. Each offense that you are convicted of will carry with it a certain point value.

If you are under 18 and accumulate four (4) or more points in two (2) years, you’ll receive a notification in the mail from the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet of your point total. If you reach seven (7) or more points before your 18th birthday, your license may be suspended.


If you are over 18 and accumulate six (6) or more points in two (2) years, you’ll receive a notification in the mail from the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet of your point total. If you reach twelve (12) or more points within that same period of two (2) years, your license may be suspended.


If you end up accumulating seven (7) points (as a minor) or twelve (12) points (as an adult) within two years, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet will hold a hearing which will assess your future driving privileges. If you do not attend the hearing, an immediate six-month suspension (but could be as low as 90 days if you attend the hearing) of your license will go into effect for the first accumulation of the points, one year upon the second accumulation, and two years for any further accumulation within two years. If you do attend your hearing, however, you may be placed on probation and may be required to attend traffic school instead of suspension. If you are placed on probation, you will not be eligible for it again for two years after the end of the last probation period.


In the event that the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet suspends your driving privileges more than once, the license suspension time will run consecutively.

Traffic violations are further divided into moving and non-moving violations:

Point System-Moving Violation Examples
Ignoring or failing to notice road signs and changes in traffic lights
Driving too close to other vehicles
Driving too fast/too slow
Not using your turn signals or failing to notice another driver’s turn signals
Failing to correctly pass or attempting to prevent another driver from passing you

Non-Moving Violation Examples
Parking in front of a fire hydrant
Parking in a no-parking zone
Parking in front of an expired meter

Violations are divided in the following manner per 601 KAR 13:025:

ZERO point violations:
Speeding 10 MPH or less over the limit.
Conviction of driving 15 MPH or more in a commercial vehicle out-of-state.

3 point violations-Point System:
Speeding fifteen (15) MPH or less over the limit.

Failure to stop violation (electric signal, railroad crossing, stop sign).
Failure to yield.
Driving the wrong way on one-way street.
Driving too fast for conditions.
Driving too slow for conditions.
Improper start.
Improper driving.
Careless driving.
Failure to yield left lane.
Improper lane usage.
Failure to illuminate headlights.
Failure to dim headlights.
Texting while driving.

You are in danger of having your license suspended for 90 days and you must attend a hearing if you commit any of the following:
Speeding 26 mph over speed limit on any road or highway
Attempting to elude police officer


* Indicates required field

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