Forman & Associates, Trial Lawyers are the DUI Defense Attorney In Georgetown KY and the State of Kentucky. Results you can count on! We are a law firm representing people charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI). Our firm has advised thousands of DUI clients primarily in Georgetown and its surrounding Kentucky counties. In addition, we know have a complex understanding of the Court system from the inside out including Judges, Prosecutors, and Police. Our team of experienced Georgetown KY DUI attorneys will fight for every inch of our clients’ rights. A Georgetown KY DUI arrest can be overwhelming, but we handle DUI charges every day and know what it takes to win. Great Kentucky DUI lawyers are not cheap and cheap lawyers will cost you more money than you realize! A good DUI Defense Attorney In Georgetown KY takes time. Ask any lawyer you interview what’s the average amount of time they spend on a DUI case. Divide that number by their fee and see what they charge an hour. Hire the best DUI Defense Lawyer In Georgetown KY, do not take any chances.
Kentucky’s Tough New DUI penalties make legal representation essential. If you do not contact us, please contact another DUI lawyer. Do not go to court unrepresented. If you cannot afford to miss work for a year, you cannot afford NOT to hire an experienced Kentucky DUI attorney. We are an established law firm that is here to help you in any way we can. Finally, our team of expert Kentucky DUI Lawyers will never plead your case guilty unless you tell us you do not want to go to trial.
The average cost for a Georgetown DUI defense lawyer of sufficient training and experience to successfully defend your DUI is hard to exactly put a number on with so many variables possible. Georgetown DUI lawyers can range from $2,500.00 to $7,000.00+ based on reputation and depending on the level of skill and expertise. At the lower end of the price spectrum, you will commonly locate “plea lawyers” who charge low fees for quick pleas. They normally will not invest time and energy on your case but simply go to court and get you to plea to the first offer. Some even charge extra to review the evidence in your case! Hiring a “cheap” lawyer can be one of most expensive mistakes a person can make. Forman & Associates offers a paid case review, In addition we will provide you with a percentage of what we believe our chances are on beating your case.
The term “Best” is a vague and ambiguous word at best. Several lawyers call themselves the best when they are in fact the farthest thing from it. First, “Google” and “Yelp” reviews are great indicators of which lawyer do the best job for their clients. Second, the best DUI lawyers know the law inside and out and are on the cutting edge of legal developments in the DUI field in Kentucky. Larry “The DUI Guy” Forman not only knows the law inside out, but he actually cares about his clients. Another important measure of the best Kentucky DUI lawyer is how many DUI cases that lawyer has taken to verdict. Larry and his team have taken hundreds of Kentucky DUI cases to a jury verdict. If a lawyer claims to be the best but is not taking DUI cases to trial, then he or she is not the best but the worst DUI lawyer you can hire.
Yes, would you play poker without knowing the rules? In the famous words of Abraham Lincoln, “He who represents himself has a fool for a client.” There are several areas that a lawyer can help a first time DUI arrest. First, if you are going to fight a DUI, the first DUI is the one you want to fight because if you lose there is minimal exposure for mandatory minimum punishments. Second, any DUI can be challenged for Illegal stops, improperly executed field sobriety evaluations, misread rights and other constitutional violations can get a case dismissed, or result in a not guilty verdict. Third, a lawyer can help to mitigate or minimize potential punishment if you decide to plead guilty to DUI. You should never go to court when jail time is a possibility without a lawyer.
Absolutely! Several times our DUI lawyers can find legal issues with the stop, field sobriety test, or the blood or breath test that can result in a DUI being reduced to a other lesser included traffic offense either in Municipal Court or State Court.
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